Depending on the mission of Afyon Kocatepe University and within the framework of the senate decision taken, it is the mission of the School of Foreign Languages to offer distinguished formal, distance or hybrid education programmes to the students of the relevant faculties and colleges to acquire the necessary foreign language knowledge and skills (speaking, writing, reading and listening) through the academic staff specialised in their fields. In addition, it is to support our students to gain language skills in areas that the students may need in both their academic and social lives. The school also aims to implement foreign language courses in Turkish-medium programmes in an effective and beneficial manner.
In line with the mission, it is the vision of the School of Foreing Languages to improve the educational competence of our teaching staff at the highest level by making the physical and technical infrastructure required for education and training complete, to increase the quality of education and training by developing total quality practices, and to reach international foreign language education standards by generating resources that will facilitate to access information for the students.
Objectives (2025):
- To include at least one more faculty in the optional preparatory programme in order to increase the ratio of the number of programmes offering foreign language preparatory education to the total number of undergraduate programmes (H.1.1. – H.3.4.).
- To employ at least one more English lecturer in addition to the current number of lecturers due to the expected increase in the number of students depending on the departments that will be included in the compulsory English preparatory programme in the 2025-2026 academic year. (H.1.1- H.3.4.)
- To employ at least one more lecturer in languages other than English in addition to the current number of lecturers in order to meet the course needs from other units in the 2025-2026 academic year. (H.4.2.)
- To organise at least one in-service training programme for academic staff each term (H.1.2.)
- To organise at least two activities for students to enable them to use the target language effectively in different settings and to contribute to the process of adaptation to the university. (H.1.1.)
- Within the scope of social contribution activities, to organise at least two language training activities outside the institution in order to increase cooperation with external stakeholders. (H.3.1.)
- To create activities to be carried out outside of class hours at least for 4 weeks in line with students’ interests in order to increase their effective use of the target language (H.1.1.)
- To ensure that at least 2 academic staff benefit from Erasmus exchange programmes (H.1.2.-H.1.3.)
- To ensure that the students attending the preparatory programme come together with lecturers and students in the department they will study after the preparatory programme in order to increase their awareness of their own fields and to prepare them for their departments (H.3.3.-H.3.4.)
- To organise at least two activities in the 2025-2026 academic year by hosting students from secondary schools in our province as external stakeholders in our school. (H.3.1.)
*:Indicates the relevant objectives in Afyon Kocatepe University 2024-2028 Strategic Plan