- How long is the English Preparatory Class?
The preparatory class lasts for 1 academic year. There is no exemption exam at the end of Fall term. Exemption (Proficiency) exams are held at the beginning of the academic year (September) and at the end of the year (May or June).
- Are the classes based on levels?
Students of English Language Teaching and English Translation and Interpreting Departments in Group A program are assigned to level classes among themselves, while students of English Business Administration and Optional Preparatory Programs in Groups B and C are assigned to level classes among themselves and these students receive education together with students close to their level. The placement exam is held in the first week at the beginning of the fall term.
- How can I find out the class schedule?
Classes are held every day in our preparatory programs. The lectures on which days will be held are announced on the class boards by the lecturers responsible for your class.
- What are the course materials? How to obtain them?
Course materials are notified to students by the relevant instructors at the beginning of the academic year. Students can obtain course materials according to the specified information. Students who do not have materials are not allowed to take the course.
- How to successfully complete the English Preparatory Program?
In order to successfully complete the English Preparatory Program, students must pass the Foreign Language Proficiency Exam (exemption) at the end of the spring semester. In order to be eligible to take the exam, the average score of the first and second semesters must be 70 or above. Students who are below this score cannot take the proficiency exam at the end of the spring semester, but they can take the following proficiency exams. Group A program students (English Language Teaching, English Translation and Interpreting) take the AKU-YDYS Category A exam. Group B and C program students take the AKU-YDYS Category B exam. The passing grade for both exams is 70. The main difference between these two exams is that the Category A exam consists of two stages and speaking skills are also measured. This exam is an exam for programs whose field of study is a foreign language. Category B exam measures language use, vocabulary, reading, listening and writing skills. Speaking skills are not measured in Category B exam. Compulsory preparatory class students who score 70 and above in these exams continue their programs. Students who are not successful have to repeat the preparatory education. Students who are successful in the optional preparatory class are given a Certificate of Achievement and continue their education in their departments. Optional preparatory students who are not successful continue their education in their departments and they have the right to take proficiency exams and receive a Certificate of Achievement until graduation.
- Can I be exempted from the compulsory preparatory class without studying at all? Can I be exempted by taking valid exams while studying the preparatory class?
If you meet the following conditions, you can be exempted from the compulsory preparatory class:
- a) Those who, for at least the last three years, have been educated in a country where the foreign language determined as the medium of instruction is spoken as the mother tongue in secondary education institutions attended by the citizens of that country and have completed their secondary education in these institutions.
- b) Students who get at least 70 points out of 100 from one of the foreign language exams organised by ÖSYM or an equivalent score from international foreign language exams accepted as equivalent by ÖSYM (For Group A program students (English language teaching, English translation and interpreting), it is required that listening, writing and speaking skills are measured in these exams. Scores obtained from exams where these skills are not measured are accepted as the first stage score of the YDYS Category A exam, provided that they are 70 or above. These students must take the second stage of the YDYS Category A exam).
Applications for exemption are made to the relevant departments in the faculties where you are a student.
- Is class attendance compulsory? What is the duration of absenteeism?
Each student has to attend 85% of the courses in an academic year. How many hours this percentage corresponds to is notified to the students by the instructors. Compulsory preparatory class students who are absent cannot take the proficiency exam at the end of the spring semester and have to repeat the preparatory class.
- Are medical reports deducted from absenteeism?
Cases specified in Afyon Kocatepe University Foreign Language Preparatory Programme Education, Training and Examination Directive and excuses other than COVID-19 are not deducted from absenteeism.
- For which exams is the make-up exam conducted?
If the excuses of the students who cannot attend the midterm exam(s) due to the excuse based on justified and valid reasons determined by the Senate and who document their situation within 10 days from the exam date are accepted by the board of directors of the college, a make-up exam is held on the dates to be determined by the board of directors of the college before the final exam for the midterm exams that the student cannot attend. The date, place and time determined for the make-up exam are announced to the students by the school directorate. There is no make-up exam for YDYS, STS, quizzes and final exams.
- How can I object to the exam results?
Objections to the exam results are made in writing to the school directorate within 5 working days following the announcement date of the exam results. The objections are decided by the school board of directors within 7 working days following the objection by taking the opinion of the instructor or commission that conducted the exam.