Foreign Language Proficiency Exam (AKU-YDYS) (Proficiency Exam)

As of the 2024-2025 academic year, AKU-YDYS is conducted in two different types:

  1. AKU-YDYS Category A:

Compulsory preparatory class students studying in programmes whose field of study is a foreign language within the scope of the Group A program participate in this exam. As of the 2024-2025 academic year, English Language Teaching and English Translation and Interpreting programmes are included in this scope.

This exam consists of two pahses and three sessions.

In the first phase of the exam, language use, vocabulary and reading skills are measured. To be successful, students must score at least 70 points in this phase. This stage is held before noon on the first day of the announced proficiency exam. Those who score 70 and above in this stage are announced on the official website. These students are eligible to take the second stage of the exam.

The second stage consists of two sessions. The first session takes place in the afternoon of the first day of the qualifying exam. In this session, listening and writing skills are measured. The second session is held on the second day at the announced time intervals. Speaking skills are measured in the second session. In order to be successful, students must score at least 70 points in the second stage.

  1. AKU-YDYS Category B

Compulsory preparatory class students studying in programs whose field of study is not a foreign language within the scope of Group B and optional preparatory class students within the scope of Group C participate in this exam. As of the 2024-2025 academic year, the English Business Administration program students are included in Group B. Optional preparatory class students do not take the proficiency exam at the beginning of the academic year in which they enrol at the university. After receiving preparatory education, they take the proficiency exam held at the end of the year to receive a certificate of success. If they fail this exam, they can take the proficiency exams until they graduate.

The Category B exam takes place in a single session before noon on the day of the announced qualifying exam. In this exam, language usage, vocabulary, reading, listening and writing skills are measured. To be successful, students arerequired to score 70 points in this exam.

This exam is only for the students of English Business Administration, English Language Teaching, English Translation and Interpreting departments who are enrolled in our university this year and who have failed the preparatory class in previous years. Newly enrolled students who want to study optional preparatory programme cannot take this exam. Graduated students also cannot take this exam. This exam is not a placement test that determines which classes students will be assigned to. The Placement Test will be held during the week when the classes start.

Since the AKU-YDYS Category A Exam will be held for the first time, there is no sample exam.

Information about the AKU-YDYS Category B Exam and a sample practice exam are at the link.

Necessary information about the exams is made on this page as well as Instagram (akuydy) and Telegram (AKU YDY) accounts.

This exam is only for English Business Administration, English Language Teaching, English Translation and Interpreting, and students who have failed the preparatory class in previous years. Graduated students cannot participate in the exam.


15 August 2019, Thursday 10652 kez görüntülendi